Life |
AmidralEver since I was a child I struggled with self-doubt. That feeling that you aren’t good enough, that you can’t accomplish anything, that you’ll never be successful or happy. I wrestled with that feeling every day, trying desperately to not let it overwhelm me. Yet try as I might to avoid these thoughts I could hardly escape them. You see I was a dreamer. I would tell anyone who would listen all of my big hopes and dreams, my greatest aspirations, only to be met with cynicism and criticism. My teachers, my elders, my peers, would bombard me with phrases like “you need to be realistic”, “you’ll never be successful doing that” and “you aren’t capable of achieving that”.Naturally, over time, these phrases eroded away what little sense of self-confidence I had. I tried not to become so easily dissuaded but their cold remarks and rebukes truly crushed me. It came to the point that whenever I tried to pursue a goal or a dream, I mentally defeated myself before I ever even began. Thoughts like: “you aren’t meant to be successful”, “you’re not good enough” and “why do I even bother” raced to the forefront of my mind, dashing any sense of hope with vicious immediacy. I felt hopeless and in my mind I was hopeless. In my mind, I was nothing more than a mere casualty in the war against self-doubt. 15:14 - 2016-04-14 - Сэтгэгдэл бичих
Тухай: Medee medeelel Нvvр Хувийн мэдээлэл Архив Найзууд Шинэ бичлэгvvд - haha - хичээл - гого дуу - хичээл - Нийгмийн улс төрийн амьдрал - Эрх мэдэл гэж юуг хэлэх вэ - ТӨГС ГЭГЭЭРСЭН ИХ БАГШ ЧИН ХАЙН СУРГААЛИЙН ТОВЧ ТОЛЬ - chuluun mandal - хайр - Maberrant - Maberrant my love - асуудлыг шийдэх - Танин мэдэхүй - хүүхэд нэг бүрийг хөгжүүлэхэд багшийн хандлага нөлөөлөх нь - THUNDER Найзууд - tsogzolmaa |